1/2 cup Wholesome! Organic Sucanat
1 tbsp water
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 garlic cloves
3 slices fresh ginger
8 tbsp black and white sesame seeds
1 pound sushi-quality tuna
1/4 cup peanut oil
In a small saucepan, add organic sucanat and water and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. When the mixture starts really cooking around the edges (about 5 minutes), remove from the heat. Its very hot and may splatter.
Stand back and add the soy sauce. Stir in the garlic and ginger. Let the mixture sit for about thirty minutes.
Remove the ginger and garlic.
Place the sesame seeds on a plate. Wet fish on both sides, season with salt, and roll fish over sesame seeds until completely covered.
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium to high heat. Add fish and sear on both sides for about one minute or less, so that the sesame seeds are toasted and the fish is rare inside. Slice into 1/2 inch strips.
Arrange on a plate and drizzle sauce over the top or serve sauce on the side in a dipping bowl.
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