Sugar-Free Berry Pie


16 oz package frozen blackberries
16 oz package frozen whole strawberries
12 oz package frozen red raspberries
1 1/2 cup Wholesome Organic Zero Erythritol
2 tbsp cornstarch or tapioca starch
1 tsp almond extract
2 unbaked pie crusts


Preheat the oven to 400°F.

Defrost berries in a large mixing bowl.

When berries are thawed, stir in Wholesome Organic Zero Erythritol, cornstarch and almond extract.

Mix gently, so as not to breakup the berries.

Place one unbaked pie crust in a pie pan, fill with berry mixture, then cover with the second crust.

Flute edges with a fork and pierce several fork holes in the pie crust.

Put pie on a baking sheet and bake for 45 to 50 minutes until the pie is golden brown.

If pie starts to brown too fast on the edges, put pie saver or strips of aluminum foil around the edges.

Serve warm.

Wholesome Organic Zero is 100% pure calorie-free Organic Erythritol, so it doesn’t contain any hidden fillers or sugar.  It’s perfect for low carb or reduced carb recipes.


Wholesome Organic ZeroSugar™ Pure Organic Erythritol

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