Step 1
Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Step 2
Defrost berries in a large mixing bowl.
Step 3
When berries are thawed, stir in Wholesome Organic Zero Erythritol, cornstarch and almond extract.
Step 4
Mix gently, so as not to breakup the berries.
Step 5
Place one unbaked pie crust in a pie pan, fill with berry mixture, then cover with the second crust.
Step 6
Flute edges with a fork and pierce several fork holes in the pie crust.
Step 7
Put pie on a baking sheet and bake for 45 to 50 minutes until the pie is golden brown.
Step 8
If pie starts to brown too fast on the edges, put pie saver or strips of aluminum foil around the edges.
Step 9
Serve warm.